
University of Washington, Seattle
B.S. in Aquatic and Fishery Sciences 2010
Minor: Quantitative Studies
Conservation and Management Focus

Capstone: Role of Scavengers on Decomposition Rates of Entangled Seabirds in Puget Sound.

Course highlights: Salmonid Behavior and Life History, Spatial Information Technologies in Ecosystem Science, Marine Mammology, Ecological Modeling, Statistical Inference in Applied Research, Experimental Design.

Intensive course: Fisheries Management; Alaskan Sockeye Salmon Fishery Case Study, Dillingham, AK
Simulation of Alaskan Sockeye Salmon fisheries management, using daily escapement to guide model projections.

Graduate Requisite Exam Scores
Verbal: 165 (95 percentile) or 690 |  Quantitative: 156 (68th percentile) or 720  |  Writing: 4.5
Composite: 321 or 1410

Transcript (PDF)

Related Work Experience   

Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, Mill Creek, WA                      
Scientific Technician II: March 2014-present

Piloted remotely operated vehicle (ROV) in variable habitat for detection of endangered rockfish.
Deployed and retrieved sampling equipment, including ROV, plankton tows, BiosSonics echosounder and light traps.
Participated in Puget Sound bottom-trawl and mid-water trawl surveys for groundfish and forage fish species.
Completed monthly beach seines to determine ESA-listed salmonid presence in U.S. Naval waters, including net deployment and retrieval, species identification and recording of relevant biological information. 
Operated small watercraft (<18') and displacement hull watercraft (36') and completed WDFW Motorboat Operator Certification Course. 
Analyzed video collected by ROV in the Puget Sound for presence of endangered rockfish and pacific groundfish species. 
Cataloged fish, invertebrates, and substrate recorded by ROV for groundfish estimates using Microsoft Access.
Developed protocol for processing ROV and scuba video collected in U.S. Naval waters.


Center for Conservation Biology, University of Washington, Seattle, WA
Research Technician; May 2012 – December 2013
Causes of Decline among Southern Resident Killer Whales Study
Collected fecal from endangered southern resident killer whales (SRKW) in the Salish Sea for hormone, genetic and toxin analysis.
Recorded data concerning vessel presence and whale behavior from small vessels, 600 vessel hours.
Photo-monitored and identified killer whales using individual saddle markings.
Identified and recorded marine mammals in the Salish Sea, including minke and humpback whales, Dall and harbor porpoise, stellar sea lion and elephant seal.
Trained and monitored interns in fecal collection.
Processed killer whale fecal samples in a laboratory including DNA sampling and extracting for hormone analysis.
Utilized Automatic Identification Systems of shipping vessels in ArcGIS to examine the impact of shipping vessels on SRKW.
Developed and maintained Microsoft Access database for killer whale identification.       

Impacts of Oil Exploration in the Alberta Tar Sands study
Processed 200 samples from wolf, caribou and moose scat for presence of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH analysis) in Alberta Tar Sands to determine resource usage. 

Aided in method development for extracting polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in wolf scat.

Cascadia Research Collective, Olympia, WA
Intern;  February 2013 – May 2013
Identified humpback and gray whales based on individual markings for census.
Participated in gray whale surveys in Puget Sound for individual identification.

Alaskan Observers INC., Seattle WA
West Coast Groundfish Observer; February 2011 – December 2011
Documented catch data on trawlers and processers in the West Coast Catch Shares Program, 120 sea days.
Identified commercially relevant species and collected relevant biological information, including length, weight and otoliths.
Utilized dichotomous keys to identify non-IFQ species.
Quantified retained and discarded catch, recorded sightings of marine mammals and seabirds.
Collaborated with fisheries stakeholder groups.

Northwest Fisheries Science Center (NOAA), Seattle WA
Research Assistant; January 2009-January 2011
Analyzed effects of derelict gear on marine fauna in Puget Sound, with a wet-lab and field component.
Performed literature review of international entanglement incidents.
Monitored remote videos for fish and invertebrate presence on baited derelict gear.

International Program for Salmon Ecological Genetics, University of Washington, Seattle WA
Lab Technician; January 2010-January 2011
Maintained a database of steelhead genetic samples.
Prepared 4,500 fin clips for genetic analysis.

Northwest Fisheries Science Center (NOAA), Seattle WA
Field Assistant; September 2010
Member of a field crew collecting freshwater habitat data in Idaho.
Proficient in electrofishing, fish identification, aquatic invertebrate collection and identification.


Volunteer & Outreach        

Seattle Aquarium: Marine Mammal Mania, Discover Science Days 2013-2015
Educated visitors about field methods for marine mammal conservation and methodology for sampling groundfish. Designed interactive outreach activities to demonstrate WDFW’s roles in Puget Sound marine fish research for a variety of ages.

Northwest Fisheries Science Center and Cascadia Research; September 2012  
Identified minke whales, Stellar sea lions, harbor and dalls porpoises in the Salish Sea.

Conservation Canines;  2012-2013
Presented to middle and high school students about the life of a researcher.
Interacted with public at the Seattle Aquarium about marine mammal research.

University of Washington Geoduck research; 2008-present
Participated in benthic sampling of Puget Sound tidal flats.
Took core samples and fish surveys.